All That Glitters is Prose


Happy Writing to Dale Ivan Smith

I recently started volunteering at my local library branch. My brief time there has introduced me to a slew of wonderful individuals. yet out of all of them, the stand out for me is Dale Ivan Smith. Dale is always ready with a smile, a bit of wisdom, and a collection of silly hats. Who doesn’t love a well-placed silly hat?

My volunteer position revolves around toddler storytime, and Dale was the lead storyteller, that is, until last week. Today is Dale’s last day before his retirement and while the day was bittersweet, I am excited for this next chapter in Dale’s life. The author of several novels, Dale will have more time to dedicate to his art.

Dale Ivan Smith
The Empowered Series by Dale Ivan Smith

For the past twenty-three years, Dale has work in the Portland library system. Hired right out of college, Dale never earned a master’s in library science, however, his tenure and experience far outweighed anything a degree could offer.

During his time at the library, he has watched toddlers grow into adults who in turn brought their own little ones to his storytimes. The magic of watching two generations learn the magic of libraries and reading is something that not many get to experience. I know Dale understands how amazing his contribution to the community is. He will be sorely missed.

Over the weeks, Dale and I have shared many insightful conversations about the writing craft. While I will miss these weekly chats as well as watching Dale’s expertise at keeping toddlers engaged (a skill for sure), I wish Dale the best in his writing endeavors. I hope we can get together for coffee on occasion to continue to cultivate our budding friendship.

To learn more about Dale Ivan Smith and his books, follow the links below:

Cynthia Varady

Cynthia Varady is an award-winning short story writer and Pandemonium Cozy Mystery Series author. She resides in Portland, OR with her husband, son, and two kitties. Cynthia has a BA in English Literature and a Master's in Library and Information Science. In addition to writing, Cynthia loves baking on the fly, crocheting, playing video games with her family, and reading mysteries.

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